Charles Crawford

50 matches between Arden of Faversham and Kyd

Charles Crawford listed these 50 matches in an essay on ‘The Authorship of Arden of Faversham’ in Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, 39 (1903): 74–86, republished in his Collectanea (Stratford-upon-Avon, 1906), pp. 101–30. Crawford was the first to identify 35 matches that were subsequently cited by Walter Miksch (1907), while four of his matches were repeated by Paul Rubow in 1948.

The following 11 matches are unique to Crawford: nos. 2, 10. 14, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28, 37 39, 40.

1 AF 1.8 [Read them, and leave this] melancholy moode.
M S&P 3.1.152 [To drive away this] melancholy moode.
2 AF 1.60–1 We two, Ovid-like | Have often chid the morning
  S&P 1.5.58 Thou Aristippus like, didst flatter him
3 AF 1.164 see you doo it cunningly.
M S&P5.2.1 see you handle it cunningly.
4 AF 1.268 A weeping eye that witnesses hartes griefe
M AF 1.325 [The rancorous venome of thy] mis-swolne hart
  AF 4.19 [Myharts greefe [rends my other powers]
  S&P 3.2.15 [And here myswolne harts greef [doth stay my tongue]
  Sp.T 3.13.119 [Then sound the burden of thy] soreharts greefe.
5 AF 1.336 vengeance light on me.
M S&P 2.1.111 all vengeance light on me.
6 AF 1.374 Now will I be convinced or purge my selfe.
M S&P 2.1.255 to purge my selfe.
7 AF 1.493 be it spoken in secret heere.
M S&P 5.2.56 be it spoke in secret heere.
8 AF 2.24–5 domineer’d with it amongst good fellowes.
M S&P 2.1.285–6 dominere with the money.
9 AF 2.33 about a peece of service.
M S&P 1.4.61 a hot piece of servise.
10 AF 2.34 Wherein happely thou maist pleasure me
  S&P 2.1.198 How now Erastus wherein may we pleasure thee?
11 AF 2.97 Plat me no platformes.
M S&P 1.3.153 Typhon me no Typhons.
12 AF 2.84 matter of great consequence.
M S&P 4.1.243 Under couler of great consequence.
13 AF 3.3–4 be in good health, as I Michaell was at the making heere of
M S&P 2.25–6 my maister was in good health at the sending hereof.
14 AF 3.18.19 Why you paltrie knave, stand you here loitering
  S&P 1.4.106 You paltrie knave, how durst thou be so bold
15 AF 3.51 For heere will be ould filching
  S&P 1.3.223 shall haue olde laughing
16 AF 3.98–9 soft-metled cowardice, | With which Black Will was never tainted with
M S&P 4.1.87 Love never tainted Soliman till now.
17 AF 3.167 Then be not nice.
M S&P 1.2.23 Then be not nice.
18 AF 3.201–2 Do lead thee with a wicked fraudfull smile As unsuspected, to the slaughterhouse.
M S&P 5.3.40 leade a Lambe unto the slaughterhouse.
19 AF 4.20 Worse then the conflict at the houre of death
  S&P 5.4.96 Even in the houre of death
20 AF 4.50–1 Then comes his wives dishonor in his thoughts
And in the middle cutteth off his tale
  Sp.T 3.13.165–6 thy muttring lips | Murmure sad words abruptly broken off
By force of windie sighes thy spirit breathes
21 AF 4.79–80 Stab the slave! The Pesant will detect the Tragedy!
M S&P 3.5.9 Stab the slaves.
  S&P 5.2.127–8 Stab in the marshall, Least he detect us unto the world.
22 AF 4.84 he will murther me to make him sport.
M S&P 3.5.13–14 feare of servile death thats but a sport.
23 AF 4.87 What dismall outcry cals me from my rest?
M S&P 1.5.78 What dismall Planets …
  Sp.T 2.5.1 What outcries pluck me from my naked bed?
  Sp.T 4.4.109 dismall out-cry.
24 AF 5.1–5 Black night hath hid the pleasures of the day
And sheting darknesse overhangs the earth
And with the black folde of her cloudy robe
Obscures us from the eyesight of the worlde,
In which swete silence such as we triumph.
R Sp.T 2.4.1ff, 17ff Now that the night begins with sable wings
To over-cloud the brightnes of the Sunne,
And that in darkenes pleasures may be done, …
And heavens have shut up day to pleasure us.
The starres, thou seest, hold backe their twinckling shine,
And Luna hides her selfe to pleasure us.
25 AF 5.9 Arden sent to everlasting night.
M S&P 1.1.26 downe to everlasting night.
  S&P 5.2.104 To send them down to everlasting night
26 AF 6.38 their nightly fantasies
R Sp.T 1.3.76 my nightly dreames.
27 AF 8.3 Continuall trouble of my moody braine
  S&P 2.1.85 Ah that my moyst and cloud-compacted braine
28 AF 8.6 Doeth check the tender blosoms in the spring
  S&P 2.1.17 To check thy fraudfull countenance with a blush
29 AF 8.25 To make my harvest nothing but pure corne.
M AF 10.83 Why should he thrust his sickle in our corne.
  S&P 4.1.221 thrust his sickle in my harvest corne.
  Sp.T 2.6.9 The Sickle comes not till the corne be ripe.
30 AF 8.56 To forge distresseful looks.
M S&P 2.1.114 forge alluring lookes.
31 AF 8.63 conceale the rest, for tis too bad.
M S&P 5.2.52 The rest I dare not speake, it is so bad.
32 AF 8.150 Then with thy lips seale up this new made match.
R Sp.T 1.1.80 Pluto was pleased, and sealde it with a kisse.
  S&P 1.6.4 By mutuall tokens to seal up their loves.
33 AF 9.18 Then either thou or all thy kinne are worth.
M S&P 1.4.75–6 more then thou and all thy kin are worth.
34 AF 9.19 hate them as I hate a toade.
M S&P 3.2.27 Lucina hates me like a Toade.
35 AF 9.27 a phillope on the nose.
M S&P 5.3.82 a phillip may cracke it,
36 AF 9.43 with, eager moode.
M S&P 5.4.149 With eager moode
37 AF 10.16 That honors tytle nor a Lords command
  S&P 2.1.271 Whom honors title forst me to misdoe
38 AF  10.17 my deserts or your desires decay
M S&P 1.4.138 I read her just desires, and my decay
39 AF 10.88 May live, may love, for what is life but love?
  S&P 4.1.21 For what is misery but want of God?
40 AF 10.91 Why whats love, without true constancy?
  S&P 1.2.22 The meaning of my true harts constancie
41 AF  10.98–9 No let our love be rockes of Addamant
Which time nor place, nor tempest can a sunder
M S&P 4.1.97 My thoughts are like pillars of Adamant
42 AF 10.100 leave protestations now.
M S&P 1.4.29 Leave protestations now.
43 AF 11.27 Why, then, by this reconing you …
R SP 1.4.83 Why, then, by this reckoning, a …
44 AF 11.29 you had best not to meddle with that.
M S&P 2.2.47–8 you had not best go to him.
45 AF 13.39 brydle thine envious tongue.
M S&P 1.5.104 Bridle the fond intemperance of thy tongue.
46 AF 13.88 what folly blinded thee?
M S&P 1.5.97 If wilfull folly did not blind mine eyes.
47 AF 13.105 To lincke in lyking with a frantick man!
M S&P 4.2.63 And is she linkt in liking with my foe?
48 AF 14.114 Instead of faire wordes and large promises
My hands shall play you goulden harmonie.
M S&P 4.1.61 large promises.
  Sp.T 2.1.52 Now to these favours will I adde reward,
Not with faire words, but store of golden coyne.
49 AF 14.214 I protest to thee by heaven.
M S&P 5.2.26 heere protest by heavens.
50 AF 14.302 a sudden qualm.
M S&P 2.1.50 A suddaine qualme.
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