Published critiques of the methods and attributions in the New Oxford Shakespeare Authorship Companion, a finding list, 6 July 2021.
* Items marked with an asterisk include discussions of claims that Marlowe was co-author of Henry VI, Parts Two and Three.
David B. Auerbach
‘Statistical Infelicities in The New Oxford Shakespeare Authorship Companion’, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 33:1, 28-31, 2020.
* ‘Review: The New Oxford Shakespeare Authorship Companion’, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 33:2-3, 236-241, DOI: 10.1080/0895769X.2019.1652556, 2020.
‘A Critique of Giuliano Pascucci’s Attribution Methods’, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 33:2-3, 198-203, DOI: 10.1080/0895769X.2019.1660610, 2020.
‘“A cannon’s burst discharged against a ruinated wall”: A Critique of Quantitative Methods in Shakespearean Authorial Attribution’, Authorship, 7 (2), 2018.
Ros Barber
* ‘Big Data or Not Enough? Zeta Test Reliability and the Attribution of Henry VI’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqaa041,, print publication forthcoming, 2021.
* ‘Function Word Adjacency Networks and Early Modern Plays’, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 33:2-3, 204-213, DOI: 10.1080/0895769X.2019.1655631, 2020.
Darren Freebury-Jones
‘Unique Phrases and the Canon of Thomas Kyd’, Notes and Queries 67.2 (2020), 220-223.
‘Unsound Deductions in Early Modern Attribution: The Case of Thomas Watson’, American Notes and Queries 33.1 (2020), 164-171.
‘“When a man hath a familiar style”: An Introduction to Authorship Studies in Early Modern Drama and Literature’, American Notes and Queries 33.1 (2020), 112-121.
‘The Diminution of Thomas Kyd’, Journal of Early Modern Studies, 8 (2019), 251-277.
‘“Fearful Dreams” in Thomas Kyd’s Restored Canon’, Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 9.1 (2019).
‘Exploring Verbal Relations between Arden of Faversham and John Lyly’s Endymion’, Renaissance and Reformation, 41.4 (2018), 93-108.
‘In Defence of Kyd: Evaluating the Claim for Shakespeare’s Part Authorship of Arden of Faversham’, Authorship 7.2 (2018).
* ‘The Limitations of Microattribution’, with Marcus Dahl, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 60.4 (2018), 467-495
* ‘Augean Stables; Or, the State of Modern Authorship Attribution Studies’, essay-review of Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, and Gabriel Egan (eds), The New Oxford Shakespeare Archiv fuer das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 255.1 (2018), 60-81.
‘Kyd and Shakespeare: Authorship versus Influence’, Authorship 6.1 (2017).
* ‘Did Shakespeare Really Co-write 2 Henry VI with Marlowe?’, American Notes and Queries, 30.3 (2017), 137-141.
Pervez Rizvi
‘Shakespeare and Principal Components Analysis‘, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqaa050,, print publication forthcoming, 2021.
‘The Use of the t-test in Shakespeare Scholarship‘, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqaa050,, print publication forthcoming, 2021.
‘The Unsoundness of the Stylometric Case for Thomas Watson’s Authorship of Arden of Faversham’, American Notes and Queries online 13 September 2020, DOI: 10.1080/0895769X.2020.1815514 print publication forthcoming.
* ‘Authorship Attribution for Early Modern Plays using Function Word Adjacency Networks: A Critical View’, American Notes and Queries 33 (2020): 328-31.
‘Small Samples and the Perils of Authorship Attribution for Acts and Scenes’, American Notes and Queries 33 (2020): 32-3.
* ‘The Problem of Microattribution’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 34, issue 3, September 2019, 606-615.
‘An Improvement to Zeta’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 34, issue 2, June 2019, 419-422.
* ‘The Interpretation of Zeta Test Results’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 34, issue 2, June 2019, 401-418.
Brian Vickers
‘Authorship Candidates for Arden of Faversham: Kyd, Shakespeare, and Thomas Watson’, Studies in Philology, Spring 2021.
‘Arden of Faversham, the Authorship Problem: Shakespeare, Watson, or Kyd?’, Digital Studies in the Humanities, 2021 DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqaa067.
* ‘Infecting the Teller. Rebutting a Mathematical Theory of Attribution’, Times Literary Supplement, 17 April 2020, pp. 14-15.
‘Kyd, Shakespeare, and Arden of Faversham: a (belated) reply to MacDonald Jackson’, Research Opportunities in Medieval and Renaissance Drama 56/57 (2020): 105-34.
“Kyd, Edward III, and ‘The Shock of the New’”, ANQ, 13 May 2019.
‘Is EEBO-TCP / LION Suitable for Attribution Studies?’, Early Modern Literary Studies 22:1, 2019.
“The ‘Dial Hand’ Epilogue: by Shakespeare, or Dekker?”, Authorship, December 2018.
‘Authorship attribution and Elizabethan drama: qualitative versus quantitative methods’, Authorship, December 2018.
‘Verbal repetition in Arden of Faversham: Shakespeare or Kyd?’, Notes and Queries 263, December 2018: 498-502.
‘Compositors’ spelling preferences and the integrity of 2 Henry VI‘, The Library, 2022.