Edward III

Edward III 205 matches with the Kyd canon

I attribute to Kyd the following portions of the play (my reference text is Giorgio Melchiori (ed.), King Edward III (Cambridge, 1998): 1.1; 3.1–3.4; 4.1–4.3; 4.5; 5.1., totalling 1,496 lines. The matches occur at a rate of one every 7.3 lines. The comparable rate for his contribution to 1 Henry VI is one every 8.3 lines.

I have compared this portion with Kyd’s acknowledged plays, using anti-plagiarism software WCopyFind together with InfoRapid Search and Replace. In recent months I have benefited from the remarkable marked-up corpus of 527 plays performed between 1552 and 1657 prepared by Pervez Rizvi, which allows users to search for n-grams and collocations in all the texts: http://www.shakespearestext.com/can/.

Texts used: King Edward III (1593), with line references to Melchiori’s edition; The Spanish Tragedy 1592, ed. W. W. Greg (Oxford, 1948; Malone Society Reprints), with line-references to The Spanish Tragedy, ed. Philip Edwards (London, 1959); Soliman and Perseda [1592/93], ed. Lukas Erne (Oxford, 2014; Malone Society Reprints); Cornelia, and The Householders Philosophie, in F. S. Boas (ed.), The Works of Thomas Kyd (Oxford, 1901, 1951). See also my essay, “Kyd, Edward III, and ‘The Shock of the New’”ANQ 2020.

Words printed in bold face are exact matches; those underlined fulfil the same semantic or syntactical functions in both passages.

1 Robert of Artoys banish’t though thou be,
From Fraunce thy natiue Country,
E3 1.1.1–2
That being banisht from my natiue soile,
SP 1314
Thou shalt retayne as great a Seigniorie:
E3 1.1.3
Slightly to part with so great signiorie.
Corn. 4.1.98
Did sit vpon their fathers regall Throne
E3 1.1.7
But wherefore sit I in a Regall throne
Sp. T 1.3.8
Your gratious selfe, the flower of Europes hope
E3 1.1.15
Yes, to your gratious selfe must I complaine
Sp. T 1.4.93
Wherewith they study to exclude your grace
E3 1.1.27
Can bondage true nobility exclude?
Corn. 2.1.295
No sepulcher shall ere exclude / Their glorie
Corn. 4.1.214-5
What then should subiects but imbrace their King?
E3 1.1.38
They love each other best, what then should follow 
SP 1683
Hot courage is engendred in my brest
E3 1.1.45
Till jealous rage (engendered with rest)
Corn. 5.1.211
8 But nowe doth mount with golden winges of fame,
And will approue faire Issabells discent,
E3 1.1.47–8
  Now Scipio, that long’d to shew himselfe
Discent of Affrican, (so fam’d for Armes)
Corn. 4.2.67–8
That, for so much as by his liberall gift
E3 1.1.58
As by his Scutchin plainely may appeare
Sp. T 1.4.165
10 I meane to visit him as he requests.
But how? not servilely disposed to bend,
But like a conquerer to make him bowe
E3 1.1.73–5
  And to conclude, I will revenge his death,
But how? not as the vulgare wits of men,
With open, but inevitable ils
Sp. T 3.13.20–2
Tis not a petty Dukedome that I claime
E3 1.1.82
Perceive we not a petty vaine,
Corn. 2.1.370
12 Then, Edward, here, in spight of all thy Lords,
I doe pronounce defyaunce to thy face
E3 1.1.87–8
  And therefore, in despight of all thy threats Sp. T 4.4.189
Defiance, French man? We rebound it backe
E3 1.1.89
That valleis, hils, and rivers made rebound [noise of armies]
Sp. T 1.2.30
My gratious father, and these other Lordes
E3 1.1.92
My gratious father and yee forwarde peeres
E3 3.3.206
My gratious father, beleeve me so he doth
Sp. T 3.14.86
15 Byd him leaue of the Lyons case he weares,
Least meeting with the Lyon in the feeld,
He chaunce to teare him peecemeale for his pride.
E3 1.1.98–100
  He hunted well that was a Lyons death,
Not he that in a garment wore his skin:
So Hares may pull dead Lyons by the beard.
Sp. T 1.2.170–2
16 Fervent desire that sits against my heart,
Is far more thornie pricking than this blade
That with the nightingale, I shall be scard
E3 1.1.109–11
  Happelie the gentle Nightingale
Shall carroll us asleepe, ere we be ware.
And, singing with the prickle at her breast
Sp. T 2.2 48–50
The treacherous King no sooner was informde,
E3 1.1.124
  Alasse how could I, for his man no sooner
Informd him, that I sought him vp and downe,
SP 1423–4
18 That is thy daughter Warwicke is it not? E3 1.1.132
That was thy daughter Bel-Imperia
Sp. T 4.4.177
And, Ned, take muster of our men at armes
E3 1.1.141
Our men at Armes (in briefe) began to fly
Corn. 5.1.235
And likewise will him, with our owne allies
E3 1.1.150
Marcht forth against him with our Musketiers
Sp. T 1.2.44
Myselfe whilst you are ioyntly thus employd
E3 1.1.153
Which is, thou shouldst be thus implode
Sp. T 4.4.52
March, and once more repulse the trayterous Scot
E3 1.1.155
And once more unjust Tarquins frowne
Corn. 2.1.390
And not to spend the time in circumstaunce
E3 3.1.8
And not to spend the time in trifling words
Sp. T 2.1.44
24 England was wont to harbour malcontents,
Blood thirsty and seditious Catelynes
E3 3.1.13–14
  Blood-thirstie, with her snakie hayre Corn. 5.1.178
25 Those frothy Dutch men, puft with double beere,
That drinke and swill in euery place they come,
Doth not a little aggrauate mine ire,
E3 3.1.26–8
  -And better wast for you being in disgrace,
To absent your selfe and giue his fury place.
-But why had I no notice of his ire?
Sp. T 3.10.71–3
26 I heare the musicke of their drums E3 3.1.38
  But softI heare the musicke of their drums E3 3.4.70–1
  But soft me thinkes he is not satisfied SP 2057
27 Requires when friends are any way distrest,
I come to aide thee with my countries force,
E3 3.1.41–2
  And giue him aide and succour in distresse. SP 1212
To reach at our imperiall dyadem,
E3 3.1.59
Ah that my rich imperiall Diadem,
SP 661
Neere to the coast I have discride, my Lord
E3 3.1.62
And casts him up neare to the Coasts of Hyppon
Corn. 5.1.295
30 Their streaming Ensignes wrought of coulloured silke,
Like to a meddow full of sundry flowers
E3 3.1.68–9
  Both vaunting sundry colours of deuice, Sp. T 1.2.27
Like to a meddow full of sundry flowers,
E3 3.1.69
Disroabde the medowes of their flowred greene,
Sp. T 3.7.7
No otherwise then were their sailes with winde
E3 3.1.87
Meane time I fild Erastus sailes with winde
SP 1882
Heere in the middle coast betwixt you both
E3 3.1.101
Twixt these two waies, I trod the middle path,
Sp. T 1.1.72
34 You stand for Fraunce, an Empire faire and large,
Now tell me Phillip, what is thy concept,
E3 3.1.104–5
  Stand vp I say and tell thy tale at large. Sp. T 1.3.58
Ile make a Conduit of my dearest blood
E3 3.1.112
Stand from about me, ile make a pickaxe of my poniard
Sp. T 3.12.75
Ile make a Conduit of my dearest blood
E3 3.1.112
Who when he lived deserved my dearest blood
Sp. T 3.6.14
37 Ile make a Conduit of my dearest blood,
Or chase those stragling vpstarts home againe,
E3 3.1.112–13
  Whearat, my blood stopt in my stragling vaines Corn. 2.1.186
The earth with giddie trembling when it shakes
E3 3.1.127
The earth with serpents shal be pestered
Sp. T 4.2.19
And with theyr fall the trembling earth was shaken.
Corn. 5.1.159
To shew the rancor of their high swolne hearts
E3 3.1.131
And here my tongue dooth stay, with swolne harts greefe
SP 1400
And here my swolne hearts greef doth stay my tongue
SP 1401
40 My hart misgiues, say mirror of pale death
To whome belongs the honor of this day,
Relate I pray thee, if thy breath will serue,
E3 3.1.137–9
  Wherein I must intreat thee to relate,
The circumstance of Don Andreas death:
Sp. T 1.4.2–3
41 Relate I pray thee, if thy breath will serue,
The sad discourse of this discomfiture.
E3 3.1.140
  Me thinks I see poore Rome in horror clad,
And aged Senators in sad discourse
Cor. 5.1.133–4
1 But cf. ‘Stay Nymphe, and harke what I say of him thou blamest so, | And credit me, I haue a sad discourse to tell thee ere I go’ (Peele, The Araygnement of Paris (Q 1584), 642-3
Both full of angry spleene, of hope and feare
E3 3.1.146
Both furnisht well, both full of hope and feare
Sp. T 1.2.25
43 Both full of angry spleene of hope and feare:
Hasting to meete each other in the face,
E3 3.1.146–7
  Wherein my hart with feares and hopes long tost,
Each howre doth wish and long to make resort,
Sp. T 2.2.13–14
Hasting to meete each other in the face
E3 3.1.147
For till by Fortune persons meete each other
SP 707
45 By this the other that beheld these twaine,
Giue earnest peny of a further wracke,
E3 3.1.150–1
  But if (their further furie to withstand,
Which ore thy walls thy wrack sets menacing)
Corn. 1.1.162–3
46 Then gan the day to turne to gloomy night, E3 3.1.155
My sommers day will turne to winters night.
Sp. T 2.1.34
As those that were but newly reft of life
E3 3.1.157
Whom I in honours cause have reft of life
SP 1357
48 Purple the Sea whose channel fild as fast,
With streaming gore that from the maymed fell,
E3 3.1.161–2
  Hieronimo, tis time for thee to trudge.
Downe by the dale that flowes with purple gore,
Sp. T 3.12.6–7
49 Purple the Sea whose channel fild as fast,
With streaming gore that from the maymed fell,
E3 3.1.161–2
  They hewe their Armour, and they cleaue their casks,
Till streames of blood, like Riuers fill the Downes.
Corn. 5.1.173–4
50 With streaming gore that from the maymed fell, E3 3.1.162
  And Souldiers some ill maimde, some slaine outright:
Heere falles a body scindred from his head,
Sp. T 1.2.58–9
51 Here flew a head, dissevered from the tronke
There mangled armes and legs were tost alofte
E3 3.1.165–6
  Heere falls a body, scindered from his head,
There legs and armes lye bleeding on the grasse
Sp. T 1.2.59–60
52 And now the effect of vallor and of force,
Of resolution and of a cowardize
E3 3.1.173–4
  But liue t’effect thy resolution. Sp. T 3.2.47
53 But all in vaine, both Sunne the winde and tyde,
Reuolted all vnto our foe mens side
E3 3.1.180–1
  When as a raging Sea,
Tost with the winde and tide ore turnest then
The vpper billowes course of waues to keep,
Whilest lesser waters labour in the deepe.
Sp. T 3.13.102–5
  Set me with him, and he with wofull me,
Vpon the maine mast of a ship vnmand,
And let the winde and tide haul me along,
Sp. T 4.4.211–13
54 And they are landed. – Thus my tale is donne:
We have untimely lost, and they have woone
E3 3.1.183–4
  First let my tongue utter my hearts despight;
And thus my tale begins: thou wicked tyrant,
Thou murtherer, accursed homicide
SP 2235–7
55 -Haue we not heard the newes that flies abroad?
-What newes?
E3 3.2.6–7
  -No, if he liued the newes would soone be heere.
-Nay euill newes flie faster still than good.
Sp. T 1.3.50–1
56 I, so the Grashopper doth spend the time
In mirthfull jollitie till winter come;
And then too late he would redeeme his time
E3 3.2.16–18
  Meane while let vs deuise to spend the time
In some delightfull sports and reuelling.
Sp. T 1.4.108–9
57 May, peradventure, for his negligence E3 3.2.22
  My innocence shall cleare my negligence SP 566
  But still increaseth by his negligence Corn. 4.1.180
  But we may shorten time with negligence Corn. 4.2.148
58 In sted of whome ransackt constraining warre,
Syts like to Rauens vppon your houses topps,
E3 3.2.49–50
  Sorrow consumes mee, and in steed of rest,
With folded armes I sadly sitte and weepe
Corn. 2.1.206–7
59 In sted of whome ransackt constraining warre
Syts like to Rauens vppon your houses topps,
E3 3.2.49–50
  The cause of these constrained warres Sp. T 3.7.61
60 The forme whereof euen now my selfe beheld,
Vpon this faire mountaine whence I came,
E3 3.2.53–4
  Conquests whereof Europe rings.
And faire Venus
Corn. 4.2.176–7
61 I might perceave five Cities all on fire,
Corne fieldes and vineyards burning like an oven
E3 3.2.56–7
  All sad and desolate our Citty lyes
And for faire Corne-ground are our fields surcloid
With worthles Gorse,
Corn. 1.1.215–17
62 Succesfullie I thanke the gratious heauens, E3 3.3.18
  And thankes to gratious heauens, that so SP 1894
63 And set our foot vpon thy tender mould,
But that in froward and disdainfull pride
E3 3.3.30–1
  To gratious fortunes of my tender youth:
For there in prime and pride of all my yeeres,
Sp. T 1.1.7–8
64 He shall be welcome; thats the thing we crave E3 3.3.45
  The thing we feare, lesse then the feare to be Corn. 2.1.323
65 Musing thou shouldst incroach uppon his land E3 3.3.47
  what are thou?/That thus incrochest upon my familiaritie SP 1840–1
66 Then is thy sallutation hony sweete E3 3.3.73
  But honie sweet, and honorable loue Sp. T 2.2.53
67 Bethinke thy selfe howe slacke I was at sea E3 3.3.88
  Bethink thy selfe Hieronimo Sp. T 4.3.21
68 Let creeping serpents hide in hollow banckes,
Sting with theyr tongues; we haue remorseles swordes,
E3 3.3.99–100
  But put them all (remorceles) to the sword. Corn. 5.1.162
69 Let creeping serpents hide in hollow banckes,
Sting with theyr tongues; we have remorseles swordes,
And they shall pleade for us and our affaires
E3 3.3.99–101  
  [BASILISCO] I fight not with my tongue; this is my oratrix.
Laying his hand upon his sword
SP 239–40
70 Sting with theyr tongues; we haue remorseles swordes,
And they shall pleade for vs and our affaires,
E3 3.3.100–1
  My tongue should plead for young Horatios right. Sp. T 1.2.169
71 May eyther of vs prosper and preuaile, E3 3.3.107
  Where words preuaile not, violence preuailes.
But golde doth more then either of them both.
Sp. T 2.1.108–9
72 Therefore, Valoys say wilt thou yet resigne E3 3.3.111
  Say wilt thou be our Lieutenant here SP 1338
73 Before the sickles thrust into the Corne E3 3.3.112
  That thrust his sickle in my haruest corne, SP 1735
74 This Champion* fielde shallbe a poole of bloode E3 3.3.116
  Till streames of blood like Rivers fill the downes;… |
Surcloyes the ground, and of a Champant Land
Makes it a Quagmire, where (knee deepe) they stand
Corn. 5.1.174–7
  And with their blood made marsh the parched plaines Corn. 1.1.40
  or in a champant Countrey HP 270.17
  [Note: variants of *champaign, level open country]  
75 But one that teares her entrailes with thy handes, E3 3.3.120
  Vndaunted Cato, tore hys entrails out. Corn. 4.1.25
76 Obraidst thou him, because within his face,
Time hath ingraud deep caracters of age:
E3 3.3.126–7
  What warlike wrinckles time hath charactered,
With ages print vpon thy warlike face.
SP 429–30
77 Father range your battailes, prate no more E3 3.3.137
  Then this our steeled Battailes shall be rainged E3 3.3.219
  So many enemies in battle ranged Corn. 2.1.92
78 These English faine would spend the time in words E3 3.3.138
  And not to spend the time in trifling words Sp. T 2.1.44
79 Now on this plaine of Cressie spred your selues, E3 3.3.166
  That scattering ouer spread the purple plaine. Sp. T 1.2.62
80 And Edward when thou darest, begin the fight E3 3.3.167
  From out our rearward to begin the fight Sp. T 1.2.36
81 That euer yet thou foughtest in pitched field E3 3.3.173
  Against the Sophy in three pitched fields SP 221
82 That euer yet thou foughtest in pitched field,
As ancient custom is of Martialists,
E3 3.3.173–4
  With loving souls to place a Martialist,
He died in war, and must to martial fields:
Sp. T 1.1.46–7
  Was ready way unto the foresaid fields,
Where lovers live, and bloody Martialists,
Sp. T 1.1.60–1
  As those brave Germans, true borne Martialists Corn. 4.2.46
83 Come therefore Heralds, orderly bring forth,
A strong attirement for the prince my sonne.
E3 3.3.177–8
  Prickt forth Horatio our Knight Marshals sonne,
To challenge forth that Prince in single fight:
Sp. T 1.2.76–7
84 And print thy valiant deeds in honors booke,
Fight and be valiant, vanquish where thou comst
E3 3.3.197–8
  So many to oppresse one valiant knight,
Without respect of honour in the fight?
Sp. T 1.4.74–5
85 Astonish and transforme thy gazing foes
To senselesse images of meger death,
E3 3.3.201–2
  Death which the poets
Faine to be pale and meager;
SP 2163–4
86 -Wee leaue till thou hast won it in the fielde,
-My gratious father and yee forwarde peeres
E3 3.3.205–6
  But gratious Madame, then appoint the field, Sp. T 2.2.39
87 And chears my greene, yet scarse-appearing strength E3 3.3.208
  Which slyghtly cover’d with a scarceseen skyn Corn. 3.1.86
88 We temper it with Audley’s gravitie E3 3.3.222
  Now I must beare a face of gravitie Sp. T 3.13.56
89 That, courage and experience joynd in one E3 3.3.223
  Friendship and hardie valour joynd in one Sp. T 1.2.75
90 For the mayne battells I will guide my selfe E3 3.3.225
  In their maine battell made so great a breach Sp. T 1.2.66
91 But straite retyring so dismaide the rest, E3 3.4.7
  In their maine battell made so great a breach,
That halfe dismaid, the multitude retirde
Sp. T 1.2.66–7
92 If we can counsell some of them to stay E3 3.4.13
  Brought rescue and encouragd them to stay Sp. T 1.2.69
93 That hast this day given way unto the right E3 3.4.21
  Was ready way unto the foresaid fields E3 3.4.21
94 The snares of French, like Emmets on a banke,
Muster about him; whilest he, Lion like
Intangled in the net of their assaults
E3 3.4.41–3
  and as a household Campe
Of creeping Emmets in a Countrey Farme,
That come to forrage when the cold begins,
Cover the earth so thicke
Even so our battails.
Corn. 5.1.72–9
95 Yet good my lord ’tis is too much wilfulnes E3 3.4.54
  Domde to thy selfe by thine own wilfulness SP 1620
96 To let his blood be spilt that may be saude E3 3.4.55
  Yet must his bloud be spilt for my behoofe SP 1954
  But Ile now weare it till thy bloud be spilt. Sp. T 1.3.87
97 And dare a Falcon when shees in her flight, E3 3.4.59
  Marking my times as Faulcons watch their flight. SP 78
98 O would my life might ransome him from death E3 3.4.69
  Which villaine shalbe ransomed with thy deeth, Sp. T 3.1.97
  Could ransome thee from fell deaths tirannie,
To win thy life would Soliman be poore,
SP 665–6
99 -O would my life might ransome him from death
-But soft me thinkes I heare,
The dismall charge of Trumpets loud retreat
E3 3.4.69–71
  In black darke night, to pale dim cruell death
He shrikes, I heard, and yet me thinks I heare,
His dismall out-cry eccho in the aire:
Sp. T 4.4.107–9
100 But soft me thinkes I heare,
The dismall charge of Trumpets loud retreat:
E3 3.4.70–1
  Here meanes the wrathfull muse in seas of teares,
And lowd laments to tell a dismall tale:
SP 29–30
101 Enter Prince Edward … bearing in his hande E3
  The fiery Spaniard, bearing in his face SP 118
102 Some will returne with tidings, good or bad E3 3.4.73
  We will returne with all speede possible SP 1934
103 …bearing in his hand his shivered Lance E3
  And shivered Launces darke the troubled aire Sp. T 1.2.54
  The shyvered Launces (rattling in the ayre)
Fly forth as thicke as moates about the Sunne
Corn. 5.1.170–1
104 Welcome, brave prince! Welcome, Plantagenet E3 3.4.75
  Welcome Balthazar, Welcome brave Prince. Sp. T 3.14.106–7
  Braue Prince of Cipris, and our sonne in law,
Welcome these worthies by their seuerall countries,
SP 178–9
105 My paynefull voyage on the boystrous sea, E3 3.4.79
  At random wandring in a boistrous Sea, Corn. 1.1.80
106 My paynefull voyage on the boystrous sea,
Of warres deuouring gulphes and steely rocks,
I bring my fraught vnto the wished port,
E3 3.4.79–81
  -A blisfull war with me thy chiefest friend.
-Full fraught with loue, and burning with desire,
I long haue longd for light of Hymens lights.
SP 749–51
107 I bring my fraught vnto the wished port E3 3.4.81
  She wisheth port, where riding all at ease Sp. T 2.2.8
  But (wishing) could not find so faire an end;
Till fraught with yeeres, and honor both at once
Corn. 2.1.165–6
108 I bring my fraught vnto the wished port,
My Summers hope, my trauels sweet reward:
E3 3.4.81–2
  Possession of thy loue is th’onely port,
Wherein my hart with feares and hopes long tost,
Sp. T 2.2.12–13
109 And then new courage made me fresh againe, E3 3.4.96
  And ad fresh courage to my fainting limmes. SP 113
110 I, well thou hast deserved a knighthood, Ned! E3 3.4.101
  For well thou hast deserved to be honoured Sp. T 1.4.131
111 Heere is a note my gratious Lord of those,
That in this conflict of our foes were slaine
E3 3.4.107–8
  If you unjustly deale with those, that in your justice trust Sp. T 3.2.11
  And in that conflict was Andrea slaine. Sp. T 1.2.71
112 Myselfe and Derby will to Calice streight;
And there be gyrt that Hauen towne with seege:
E3 3.4.118–19
  Weele lay the ports and hauens round about,
And let a proclamation straight be made,
SP 1092–3
113 For this kind of furtherance of your king and you E3 4.1.5
  That which may comfort both your King and you Sp. T 1.4.148
114 To sweare allegeance to his maiesty:
In signe where of receiue this Coronet
E3 4.1.6–7
  Till when, receiue this pretious Carcanet,
In signe, that as these linkes are interlaced,
SP 755–6
115 In sign whereof receive this Coronet E3 4.1.7
  Presents your highnes with this Coronet E3 5.1.100
  With many a fresh-flowrd Coronet Corn. 4.2.191
116 Thou wilt returne my prisoner back againe; | And that E3 4.1.38–9
  Because I now am Christian againe, | And that SP 2111
117 Thus once I meane to trie a French mans faith E3 4.1.43
  -In courtly French shall all her phraises be.
-You meane to trye my cunning then Hieronimo.
Sp. T 4.1.178
118 Since they refuse our profered league my Lord E3 4.2.1
  Thy kingly proffers, and thy promist league, Sp. T 3.12.33
119 And will not ope their gates and let vs in E3 4.2.2
  Leaue protestations now, and let vs hie SP 453
120 What are you, living men or gliding ghosts
Crept from your graves to walke upon the earth?
E3 4.2.13–14
  When as my gliding ghost shall follow thee SP 2356
  And loe (me thought) came glyding by my bed
The ghost of Pompey, with a ghastly looke
Corn. 3.1.75–6
121 Command that victuals be appoynted them, E3 4.2.31
  For heere did Don Lorenzos Page appoint,
That thou by his command shouldst meet with him.
Sp. T 3.4.24–5
122 The Lion scornes to touch the yeelding pray E3 4.2.33
  I scorne them as a rechlesse Lion scornes SP 636
123 What was he tooke him prisoner in the field? E3 4.2.48
  Thats none of mine, but his that tooke him prisoner Sp. T 2.3.34
124 To yeeld the towne and Castle to your hands E3 4.2.64
  At our intreaty, therefore yeeld the towne SP 2216
125 To yeeld the towne and Castle to your hands
Upon condition
E3 4.2.64–5
  Both lay your hands / Upon the Alcoran SP 2014-15
126 Vpon condition it will please your grace E3 4.2.65
  Wilt please your grace command me ought besid? Sp. T 2.3.28
127 And prostrate yeeld themselves, upon their knees To E3 4.2.77
  And made them bow their knees to Albion Sp. T 1.4.171
128 Not for his sake, my gratious Lord, so much |
Am I become
E3 4.3.3–4
  Nor halfe so much am I a friend to Rhodes SP 639
129 That happen for aduantage of our foes, E3 4.3.8
  Taking aduantage of his foes distresse, Sp. T 1.4.24
130 Which I in conscience may not violate,
Or else a kingdome should not draw me hence.
E3 4.3.27–6
  Which murdrer-like against thy selfe he drawes:
And violates both God and Natures lawes.
Corn. 3.2.37–8
131 Why, is it lawfull for a man to kill E3 4.3.35
  Now, as it is not lawfull for a man Corn. 2.1.331
132 Giue me the paper, Ile subscribe to it, E3 4.3.48
  And to this peace their Viceroy hath subscribde.
<Giue the King a paper
Sp. T 1.2.92
133 For that shalbe the haples dreadfull day, E3 4.3.71
  This is the hope that feeds my haples daies, Corn. 3.3.63
134 Or airie foule make men in armes to quake, E3 4.3.77
  I mou’d mine head, and flonge abroade mine armes
To entertaine him, but his airie spirit,
Corn. 3.1.101–2
135 Since he doth promise we shall driue him hence,
And forrage their Countrie as they haue don ours
E3 4.3.80–1
  Of creeping Emmets, in a Countrey Farme,
That come to forrage when the cold begins:
Corn. 5.1.73–4
136 By this revenge that losse will seeme the lesse. | But E3 4.3.82
  And make your late discomfort seeme the lesse. | But Sp. T 1.4.149
  My sorrow yet would never seeme the lesse Corn. 2.1.223
137 the birdes cease singing, and the wandring brookes,
Murmure no wonted greeting to their shores,
E3 4.5.5–6
  Her wonted teares of loue she doth renew.
The wandring Swallow with her broken song,
Corn. 3.1.6–7
138 Our men, with open mouthes and staring eyes E3 4.5.9
  the vulgare wits of men, | With open, but inevitable ills Sp. T 3.13.21–2
139 Looke on each other, as they did attend E3 4.5.10
  Looke on thy loue, beholde yong Balthazar Sp. T 3.10.79
140 Harke, what a deadly outcrie do I heare? E3 4.5.19
  He shrikes, I heard, and yet me thinks I heare,
His dismall out-cry eccho in the aire:
Sp. T 4.4.108–9
141 [A ‘flight of ravens’ imitates the formation
of the army below]
And keep in triangles and cornerd squares
Right as our forces are imbatteled
E3 4.5.30–1
  Our battels both were pitcht in squadron form
Each corner strongly fenst with wings of shot
[squadron: ‘A body of soldiers drawn up in square formation’]
Sp. T 1.2.32–3
142 I, now I call to mind the prophesie E3 4.5.39
  I, now I know thee, now thou namest my Sonne Sp. T 3.13.161
  I, now I lay Perseda at thy feet SP 2262
143 For when we see a horse laid down to die E3 4.5.46
  And (sooth to say) why feare we when we see Corn. 2.1.322
144 Which of these twaine is greater infamie E3 4.5.82
  To which of these twaine art thou prisoner Sp. T 1.2.153
145 But with a gardion I shall be controld E3 4.5.95
  The others shall bee such inferiours as shall be controld HP 264.38–9
146 To put his princely sonne, blacke Edward, in E3 4.5.111
  First, for the marriage of his Princely Sonne Sp. T 3.12.39
147 And saie, the prince was smoothered and not slaine E3 4.5.122
  But straight the Prince was beaten from his horse Sp. T 1.2.79
148 And tell the king this is not all his ill,
E3 4.5.123
  Say trecherous Villuppo, tell the King,
Or wherein hath Alexandro vsed thee ill?
Sp. T 3.1.90–1
149 Your grace should see a glorious day of this E3 4.6.11
  We should have found a bloody day of this Corn. 5.1.124
150 the ground itself is armd. / Fire-containing flint! E3 4.6.13–14
  A fearfull Hagge, with fierdarting eyes Corn. 5.1.179
  With bristled backs, and fire-sparkling eyes Corn. 5.1.214
151 Our multitudes are in themselues confounded,
Dismayed, and distraught
E3 4.6.18–19
  That halfe dismaid, the multitude retired Sp. T 1.2.67
152 Hath buzd a cold dismaie through all our armie E3 4.6.20
  To scoure about through all our Regiment SP 3.1.144–5
153 With strong surprise of weake and yeelding feare. E3 4.6.27
  My woes waxt stronger, and my selfe grew weake Corn. 2.1.202
154 Our trumpets sound dishonor, and retire, E3 4.6.31
  Let not thy Souldiers sound a base retire, SP 605
155 Some twenty naked starvelings with small flints E3 4.6.37
  To beat them downe as fierce as thundring flints Corn. 5.1.280
156 Thy bloudie Ensignes are my captiue colours,
And you high vanting Charles of Normandie
E3 4.7.2–3
  Both vaunting sundry colours of deuice, Sp. T 1.2.27
157 O Prince thy sweet bemoning speech to me.
Is as a morneful knell to one dead sicke.
E3 4.7.26–7
  Whose mournfull passions, dull the mornings ioyes.
Whose sweeter sleepes, are turnd to fearefull dreames
Corn. 3.1.15–16
158 My armes shalbe thy graue, what may I do
To win thy life, or to reuenge thy death,
E3 4.7.29–30
  I haue reuengd thy deaths with many deaths SP 2354
159 My armes shalbe thy graue, what may I do,
To win thy life, or to reuenge thy death,
E3 4.7.29–30
  And feare shall force what frendship cannot winne.
Thy death shall bury what thy life conceales.
Sp. T 2.1.68–9
  To win thy life would Soliman be poore SP 666
160 The neuer dying honor of this daie,
Share wholie Audley to thy selfe and liue
E3 4.7.35–6
  The prize and honor of the day is his,
But now vnmaske thy selfe, that we may see,
SP 427–8
161 If I could hold dym death but at a bay, E3 4.7.39
  In black darke night, to pale dim cruell death. Sp. T 4.4.107
162 Cheerely bold man, thy soule is all to proud,
To yeeld her Citie for one little breach,
E3 4.7.44–5
  -At our intreaty, therefore yeeld the towne.
-Why what art thou that boldly bids vs yeeld?
SP 2216–17
163 And as thou lovest me, Prince, lay thy consent
To this bequeath in my last testament
E3 4.7.54–5
  Brusor, as thou lovest me, stab in the marshall
Least he detect us unto the world
SP 2078–9
164 Come gentlemen, I will see my friend bestowed,
With in an easie Litter, then wele martch
E3 4.7.60–1
  The rest martch on, but ere they be dismist,
We will bestow on euery souldier two duckets,
Sp. T 1.2.129–30
165 then wele martch.
Proudly toward Callis with tryumphant pace,
Vnto my royall father,
E3 4.7.61–3
  Come marching on towards your royall seate Sp. T 1.2.104
166 Vnto my royall father, and there bring,
The tribut of my wars, faire Fraunce his king
E3 4.7.63–4
  Young Prince, although thy fathers hard misdeedes,
In keeping backe the tribute that he owes,
Sp. T 1.2.134–5
167 And now vnto this proud resisting towne,
Souldiers assault, I will no longer stay
E3 5.1.4–5
  Souldiers, assault the towne on euery side SP 2326
168 And we are come with willingnes to beare,
What tortering death or punishment you please,
E3 5.1.16–17
  Death (haply that our willingnes doth see) Corn. 2.1.280
169 But as imperiall iustice hath decreed, E3 5.1.35
  Solliciting for iustice and reuenge:
But they are plac’t in those imperiall heights,
Sp. T 3.7.14–15
170 Your bodies shalbe dragd about these wals, E3 5.1.36
  And thy dismembred body (stab’d and torne,)
Dragd through the streets, disdained to bee borne.
Corn. 3.2 80–1
171 And after feele the stroake of quartering steele,
This is your dome, go souldiers see it done.
E3 5.1.37–8
  And at my hands receiue the stroake of death
Domde to thy selfe by thine owne wilfulnes.
SP 1619–20
172 Alhough experience teach vs, this is true,
That peacefull quietnes brings most delight,
E3 5.1.47–8
  Nor dies Reuenge although he sleepe a while,
For in vnquiet, quietnes is faind:
Sp. T 3.15.23–4
173 As conquer other by the dynt of sword,
Phillip preuaile, we yeeld to thy request,
E3 5.1.52–3
  Thou hast preuailde, ile conquer my misdoubt, Sp. T 2.4.20
174 -That would not yeeld his prisoner to my Queen
-I am my liege a Northen Esquire indeed
E3 5.1.66–7
  -To which of these twaine art thou prisoner.
-To me my Liege.
Sp. T 1.2.153–4
175 To contradict our royall Queenes desire E3 5.1.70
  Who dares to contradict our Emporie? Corn 4.2.121
176 -To contradict our royall Queenes desire?
No wilfull disobedience mightie Lord,
But my desert and publike law at armes.
E3 5.1.70–2
  That Soliman can giue, or thou desire.
But thy desert in conquering Rhodes
Sp. T 4.4.14–15
177 But my desert and publike law at armes E3 5.1.72
  A man of my desert and excellence SP 1786
178 I tooke the King my selfe in single fight E3 5.1.73
  And tooke the King of Portingale in fight Sp. T 1.4.155
179 I tooke the king my selfe in single fight E3 5.1.73
  To challenge forth that Prince in single fight Sp. T 1.2.77
  I saw him hand to hand | In single fight Sp. T 1.3.63–4
180 Had but your gratious selfe bin there in place E3 5.1.82
  Yes, to your gratious selfe must I complaine Sp. T 1.4.93
181 His name I reverence, but his person more E3 5.1.85
  Him we adore, and in his name I crie SP 232
182 A troupe of Launces met vs on the way E3 5.1.113
  Then Ferdinando met vs on the way SP 1120
183 But ere we went, Salute your King, quoth he E3 5.1.120
  But ere we joynd and came to push of Pike Sp. T 1.2.34
  But ere we could summon him a land SP 2010
184 But ere we went, salute your king, quothe hee,
Bid him prouide a funerall for his sonne,
E3 5.1.120–1
  Send him (quoth he) to our infernall King: Sp. T 1.1.52
185 The French had cast their trenches like a ring, E3 5.1.133
  The selfe-same day, to dig and cast new Trenches Corn. 5.1.64
186 And every Barricados open front
Was thick imbost1 with brasen ordynaunce
E3 5.1.134–5
  Whose Temples, Pallaces, and walls embost,
In power, and force, and fierceness, seem’d to threat
Corn. 2.1.270–1
  In one hand held his Targe of steele embost,
And in the other graspt his Coutelas
Corn. 5.1.105–6
  1 In the corpus of pre-1596 plays ‘e/imbost’ is used 3 times, referring to animals and humans, while in 1 Tamb. we find ‘Embost with silke.’ These are the only instances where the word is used in connection with defences or warfare.  
187 The battailes joyne: and, when we could no more E3 5.1.150
  Both battailes joyne and fall to handie blowes Sp. T 1.2.47
188 When I should meete with my belooued sonne:
Sweete Ned,
E3 5.1.159–60
  My best beloued, my sweet and onely Sonne. Sp. T 1.3.38
189 When I should meete with my belooued sonne E3 5.1.159
  Deare was the life of my beloued Sonne Sp. T 3.2.44
  Where thus they murdered my beloued Sonne. Sp. T 4.2.5
190 With hope of sharpe vnheard of dyre reuenge E3 5.1.165
  The plot is laid of dyre reuenge Sp. T 4.3.28
191 Shall mourners be, and weepe out bloody teares,
Vntill their emptie vaines be drie and sere
E3 5.1.168–9
  Then make the blood fro forth my branch-like vaines,
Lyke weeping Riuers trickle by your vaults;
Corn. 2.1.5–6
192 While we bewaile our valiant sonnes decease. E3 5.1.175
  That he deliuereth for his sonnes dicease Sp. T 3.13.98
  With ceasles plaints, for my deceased sonne? Sp. T 3.7.4
193 The French mans terror and his countries fame, E3 5.1.179
  Cæsar is now earths fame, and Fortunes terror, Corn. 4.2.35
194 Triumphant rideth like a Romane peere E3 5.1.180
  The death of Aiax, or some Romaine peere Sp. T 4.4.80
195 King Iohn of France, together with his sonne,
In captiue bonds, whose diadem he brings
E3 5.1.182–3
  Thou hadst some hope to weare this Diadome,
If first my Sonne and then my selfe were slaine:
Sp. T 1.3.83–4
196 Away with mourning, Phillipe, wipe thine eies E3 5.1.185
  Heere, take my hand-Kercher and wipe thine eies Sp. T 3.13.83
197 So doth my sonne reioyce his fathers heart,
For whom euen now my soule was much perplext
E3 5.1.188–9
  What then remaines for my perplexed heart? SP 904
198 -For whom euen now my soule was much perplext
-Be this a token to expresse my ioy,
E3 5.1.190–1
  This was a token twixt thy soule and me, Sp. T 3.13.88
199 My gracious father, here receiue the gift E3 5.1.192
  My gratious Father, beleeue me so he doth Sp. T 3.14.86
200 How many ciuill townes had stoode vntoucht,
That now are turnd to ragged heaps of stones?
E3 5.1.203–4
  Haue we not seene them turn’d to heapes of stones? Corn. 2.1.274
201 Thy ransome Iohn, hereafter shall be known
But first to England thou must crosse the seas,
E3 5.1.209–10
  Horatio thou didst force him first to yeeld,
His ransome therefore is thy valours fee
Sp. T 1.2.182–3
202 The dangerous conflicts I haue often had,
The fearefull menaces were proffered me,
E3 5.1.225–6
  Their harts were great, their clamours menacing,
Their strength alike, their strokes both dangerous.
Sp. T 1.4.14–15
203 The heate and cold, and what else might displease
And hopeless trusteth to the trustles windes.
E3 5.1.227
  And spunge my bodies heate of moisture so,
As my displeased soule may shunne my hart.
Corn. 2.1.7–8
204 The painfull traffike of my tender youth E3 5.1.230
  To gratious fortunes of my tender youth Sp. T 1.1.7
205 God willing then for England wele be shipt,
Where in a happie houre I trust we shall | Arriue
E3 5.1.241–3
  Trots to the Hauen, where his ships he finds, Corn. 5.1.289–90
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