Walter Miksch

80 matches between Arden of Faversham and Kyd

From Die Verfasserschaft des Arden of Feversham (1907), pp. 1929.

1 AF 1.8 [Read them, and leave this] melancholy moode.
S&P 3.1.152 [To drive away this] melancholy moode.
2 AF 1.16 previe meetings in the Towne.
S&P 1.4.108 privie inquirie through the towne.
3 AF 1.99 and he usurpes it, having nought but this
S&P 3.4.10 Your Lord usurps in all that he possesseth
4 AF 1.164 see you doo it cunningly.
S&P 5.2.1 see you handle it cunningly.
5 AF 1.197 Arden to me was dearer then my soule.
S&P 5.2.99 Whose life to me was dearer then mine owne.
Sp.T 4.4.31 Erasto, dearer then my life to me.
6 AF 1.268 A weeping eye that witnesses hartes griefe
AF 1.325 [The rancorous venome of thy] mis-swolne hart
AF 4.19 [My] harts greefe [rends my other powers]
S&P 3.2,15 [And here my] swolne harts greef [doth stay my tongue]
Sp.T 3.13.119 [Then sound the burden of thy] sore harts greefe.
7 AF 1.297 Hath any other interest herein.
S&P 2.1.202 I have some interest therein.
8 AF 1.303 you seeke to robbe me of her love.
S&P 2.1.251 Thou didst bereave me of my dearest love.
9 AF 1.336 vengeance light on me.
S&P 2.1.111 all vengeance light on me.
10 AF 1.374 Now will I be convinced or purge my selfe.
S&P 2.1.255 to purge my selfe.
11 AF 1.487 how I am usde;
AF 1.489 can he use you unkindely.
S&P 4.1.72 use her at thy pleasure.
Sp.T 3.10.26 Els woudst thou not have usde thy sister so.
12 AF 1.493 be it spoken in secret heere.
S&P 5.2.56 be it spoke in secret heere.
13 AF 1.495 hard words and blowes.
S&P 2.1.67 words and stripes.
14 AF 1.592 Did not plead the matter hard for you.
S&P 4.1.228 That may plead in your affections cause.
15 AF 2.245 domineer’d with it amongst good fellowes.
S&P 2.1.2856 dominere with the money.
16 AF 2.33 about a peece of service.
S&P 1.4.61 hot piece of servise.
17 AF 2.49 furrowes in his stormye browes
S&P 1.4.136 furrowes of her clowding brow
18 AF 2.97 Plat me no platformes.
S&P 1.3.153 Typhon me no Typhons.
19 AF 2.84 matter of great consequence.
S&P 4.1.243 Under couler of great consequence.
20 AF 3.34 be in good health, as I Michaell was at the making heere of.
S&P 2.256 my maister was in good health at the sending hereof.
21 AF 3.989 soft-metled cowardice, / With which Black Will was never tainted with
S&P 4.1.87 Love never tainted Soliman till now.
22 AF 3.167 and you be offended, ile be gone.
Sp.T 3.14.1256 so short? Then ile be gone.
23 AF 3.167 Then be not nice.
S&P 1.2.23 Then be not nice.
24 AF 3.176 liberal hand.
S&P 3.1.63 liberall hands.
25 AF 3.195 how hast thou misdone.
S&P 2.1.300 how art thou misdone.
26 AF 3.2012 Do lead thee with a wicked fraudfull smile As unsuspectedto the slaughterhouse.
S&P 5.3.40 leade Lambe unto the slaughterhouse.
27 AF 4.245 If neither of these two do happely fall, Yet let your comfort be: …
Sp.T 3.13.18 If neitheryet let this thy comfort be.
28 AF 4.7980 Stab the slave! The Pesant will detect the Tragedy!
S&P 3.5.9 Stab the slaves.
S&P 5.2.1278 Stab in the marshallLeast he detect us unto the world.
29 AF 4.81 The wrinkles in his fowle death-threatning face.
S&P 1.3.99 the warlike wrinckles of my front.
30 AF 4.84 he will murther me to make him sport.
S&P 3.5.1314 feare of servile death thats but a sport.
31 AF 4.87 What dismall outcry cals me from my rest?
S&P 1.5.78 What dismall Planets …
Sp.T 2.5.1 What outcries pluck me from my naked bed?
Sp.T 4.4.109 dismall out-cry.
32 AF 5.9 Arden sent to everlasting night.
S&P 1.1.26 downe to everlasting night.
S&P 5.2.104 To send them down to everlasting night
33 AF 6.37 But often times my dreames presage to trew.
S&P 5.3.22 my nightly dreames foretould me this.
34 AF 8.56 And nips me as the bitter Northeast wind 
Doeth check 
the tender blosoms in the spring.
Sp.T 1.1.13 Deaths winter nipt the blossomes of my blisse.
35 AF 8.25 To make my harvest nothing but pure corne.
AF 10.83 Why should he thrust his sickle in our corne.
S&P 4.1.221 thrust his sickle in my harvest corne.
Sp.T 2.6.9 The Sickle comes not till the corne be ripe.
36 AF 8.30 Cheefe actors to Ardens overthrow.
Sp.T 4.4.147 Author and actor in this Tragedie.
37 AF 8.39 But what for that? may not trust you, Ales:
Sp.T 3.4.82 But to what end? list not trust the Aire.
38 AF 8.56 To forge distresseful looks.
S&P 2.1.114 forge alluring lookes.
39 AF 8.63 conceale the rest, for tis too bad.
S&P 5.2.52 The rest I dare not speakeit is so bad.
40 AF 8.121 And thereon will I chiefly meditate.
Sp.T 2.2.26 But whereon doost thou chiefly meditate?
41 AF 8.165 my blisse is mixt with bitter gall.
S&P 1.6.23 mixt with bitter sorrow.
42 AF 8.167 to the gates of death to follow thee.
S&P 3.5.16 I would follow her though she went to hell.
43 AF 9.18 Then either thou or all thy kinne are worth.
S&P 1.4.756 more then thou and all thy kin are worth.
44 AF 9.19 hate them as I hate a toade.
S&P 3.2.27 Lucina hates me like a Toade.
45 AF 9.27 a phillope on the nose.
S&P 5.3.82 Phillip may cracke it,
46 AF 9.39 Lime your twigs to catch this wary bird.
Sp.T 3.3.28 Heere comes the bird that I must ceaze upon.
Sp.T 3.4.412 he breakes the worthles
And sees not that wherewith the bird was limde.
47 AF 9.43 with, eager moode.
S&P 5.4.149 With eager moode
48 AF 10.1 heavens gate
S&P 2.1.9 gates of heaven
49 AF 10.15 honors tytle
S&P 2.1.271 honors title
50 AF 10.17 my deserts or your desires decay
S&P 1.4.138 I read her just desiresand my decay
51 AF 10.44 too close for you.
Sp.T 3.3.27 this corner it to close with one.
52 AF 10.98 haughty pride.
S&P 5.5.33 haughtie pride.
53 AF 10.97 No, let our love be rockes of Addamant.
S&P 4.1.97 My thoughts are like pillers of Adamant.
54 AF 10.100 leave protestations now.
S&P 1.4.29 Leave protestations now.
55 AF 11.29 you had best not to meddle with that.
S&P 2.2.478 you had not best go to him.
56 AF 12.2 in hells mouth.
Sp.T 1.1.16 in to dangers mouth.
57 AF 12.43 we haue mist the marke.
S&P 1.1.20 you both doo misse the marke.
58 AF 12.54 so slight a taske as this.
S&P 1.5.28 so slight a taske.
59 AF 12.65 First tell me how you like my new device.
Sp.T 1.2.191 How likes Don Balthazar of this device?
60 AF 12.73 fine devise! [also 14.126]
S&P 4.1.248 fine devise!
61 AF 13.39 brydle thine envious tongue.
S&P 1.5.104 Bridle the fond intemperance of thy tongue.
62 AF 13.54 It is the raylingest knave in christendome.
S&P 1.3.208 the braginst knave in Christendom.
63 AF 13.80 sugred kisse.
S&P 2.1.7 sugred kisse.
64 AF 13.88 what folly blinded thee?
S&P 1.5.97 If wilfull folly did not blind mine eyes.
65 AF 13.93 And hurte thy freende whose thoughts were free from harme.
S&P 2.2.28 To wrong my friend whose thoughts were ever true.
66 AF 13.105 To lincke in lyking with a frantick man!
S&P 4.2.63 And is she linkt in liking with my foe?
67 AF 13.119 Impose me pennance.
S&P 1.4.27 Impose me taske.
68 AF 13.152 He whome the divel drives must go perforce.
Sp.T 3.12.82 Needs must he goe that the divels drive.
69 AF 14.114 Instead of faire wordes and large promises 
My hands 
shall play you goulden harmonie.
S&P 4.1.6 large promises.
Sp.T 2.1.521 Now to these favours will I adde reward
Not with 
faire words, but store of golden coyne.
70 AF 14.1378 whose very lookes 
ad unwounted courage to my thought.
S&P 1.2.512 The sight of this shall shew Persedas name, 
ad fresh courage to my fainting limmes.
71 AF 14.214 I protest to thee by heaven.
S&P 5.2.26 heere protest by heavens.
72 AF 14.302 a sudden qualm.
S&P 2.1.50 A suddaine qualme.
73 AF 14.331 help to lift his body forth.
S&P 5.4.94 helpe to lift her bodie up.
74 AF 14.332 And let our salt teares be his obsequies.
S&P 5.4.12 And with our teares bewaile her obsequies.
75 AF 14.359 Peace foole.
S&P 4.1.4 Peace, foole.
76 AF 14.381 Finde out the Murthrers.
Sp.T 3.8.25 To finde them out, that murdered my Sonne.
77 AF 14.408 I loved him more than all the world beside.
Sp.T 2.6.5 she lou’d me more then all the world.
78 AF 16.2 Confesse this foule fault and be penitent. [General confession]
Sp.T 3.6.26 Confesse thy folly and repent thy fault.
79 AF 18.3 I am by the law condemned to die.
Sp.T 3.6.39 by our law he is condemnd to die.
80 AF 18.18 But now I finde it and repent too late.
S&P 2.2.5960 And all to late repents his surquedry.
Sp.T 4.1.35 and now I find it so.

Parallels in situations and thoughts

81 AF 1.41 See his disseverd joints and sinewes torne.
Sp.T 3.13.1223 Then will I rent and teare them thus and thus
Shivering their limmes in peeces with my teeth.
82 AF 1.1667 Susan being a Maide,
May begge me from the gallows of the Shriefe.
Sp.T 3.3.12 if need should be, my noble Lord
Will stand betweene me and ensuing harmes.
83 AF 1.3045 Villaine, what makes thou in her company?
Shees no companion for so base a groome.
S&P 1.5.712 It is not meete that one so base as thou
Shouldst come about the person of a King.
84 AF 1.345 Who lives that is not toucht with slaunderous tongues
Sp.T 3.14.76 And no man lives that long contenteth all.
85 AF 1.34651 —Then, Mosbie, to eschew the speache of men,
Upon whose generall brute all honor hangs,
Forbeare his house.
Forbeare it! nay rather frequent it more
Sp.T 3.14.150 —And for the satisfaction of the world,
Hieronimo frequent my homely house.
86 AF 1.4056 —and stay no longer there.
Then thou must nedes
—And if he stay, the fault shall not be mine.
S&P 5.1.42 We will returne with all speede possible.
87 AF 1.527 Or count me false and perjurde whilst I live.
when Erastus doth forget this favour,
S&P 4.1.1967 Then let him live abandond and forlorne.
88 AF 3.108 I cannot paint my valour out with words. (Shakebag)
S&P 1.3.69 I fight not with my tongue (Basilisco)
89 AF 4.912 But she is rooted in her wickednes,
Perverse and stobburne, not to be reclaimde;
Good counsell is to her as raine to weedes,
And reprehension makes her vice to grow.
S&P 2.1.1257 thou art so corrupt
That in thee all their influence dooth change,
As in the spider good things turne to poison.
90 AF 8.1067 I, now I see, and too soone find it trew,
Which often hath beene tould me by my friends,
Sp.T 3.7.4950 Now see I what I durst not then suspect,
That Bel-imperias Letter was not fainde.
91 AF 4.878 Nay, he must leave to live that we may love,
May live, may love; for what is lyfe but love?
S&P 4.1.2369 If so your life depend upon her love,
And that her love depends upon his life,
Is it not better that Erastus die
Ten thousand deaths then Soliman should perish?
92 AF 13.77 Who is that? Mosbie? what, so familiare?
Sp.T 4.1.58 How now Hieronimo, what, courting Bel-imperia.
93 AF 14.1701 Although I wisht you to be reconciled,
Twas more for feare of you then love of him.
Sp.T 3.14.902 But for his satisfaction and the worlds,
Twere good my Lord that Hieronimo and I
Were reconcilde, if he misconster me.
94 AF 14.328 But wherefore should he come? Heere is nought but feare.
S&P 2.2.313 Neptune, bring him backe againe;
But, Eolus and Neptune, let him go;
For heere is nothing but revenge and death.
95 AF 16.11 Say, Mosby, what made thee murther him?
Sp.T  4.4.165 Why hast thou done this undeserving deed?
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