Paul Rubow

95 matches between Arden of Faversham and Kyd

In Shakespeare og Hans Samtidge (‘Shakespeare and his Fellows’), Copenhagen, 1948, Paul Rubow indicated some 50 multi-word parallels between Arden of Faversham and The Spanish Tragedy, and 56 matching multi-word parallels with Soliman and Perseda. Since these are scattered over two chapters, interspersed with Danish text, I have excerpted the quotations and arranged them in sequence. Scene (here in Arabic numerals) and line numbers correspond to the Revels edition, by M.L. Wine (1973). The right-hand column gives the page numbers in Rubow’s text, and notes which collocation matches had been identified by Walter Miksch in 1907. Words highlighted in bold face are exact verbal matches; those underlined fulfil the same semantic or syntactical function in both passages.

1 AF 1.8 Read them, and leave this melancholy moode. p. 143 M1
SP 3.1.52 To drive away this melancholy moode.
2 AF 14.303 (torments my minde) p. 125
AF 1.11 That showes me nothing but torments my soule.
Sp.T 3.8.13 Madame, these humors doe torment my soule.
Sp.T 3.1.43 But this, O this, tormentes my labouring soule.
Yet still tormented is my tortured soule.
3 AF 1.16 And they have privie meetings in the Towne. p. 142 M2
SP 1.4.106 Make privie inquirie for it through the towne.
4 AF 1.17–18 Nay, on his finger did I spy the Ring Which at our Marriage day the Priest put on. p. 142
SP 2.1.14547 Why didst thou deck her with my ornament?
Could nothing serve her but the Carcanet Which, as my life, I gave to thee in charge?
5 AF 1.445 learne of me | To ease thy griefe. p. 129
Sp.3.7.70 to ease the greefe that I sustaine.
SP 1.4.126 Come therefore, gentle death, and ease my griefe.
6 AF 1.74 there is no credit in a dreame. p. 129
Sp.3.1.18 And theres no credit in the countenance.
7 AF 1.856 Sweete Arden, come againe 
Within a day or two, or els I die.
p. 141
SP 3.2.56 Returne him backe, fair starres,or let me die.
Returne him backe, fair heavens, or let me die.
8 AF 1.164 But, Michael, see you doo it cunninglie. p. 143 M4
SP 5.2.1 Lord marshall, see you handle it cunningly.
9 AF 1.1857 Is this the end of all thy solemne oathes?
Is this the frute thy reconcilement buds?
Have I for this given thee so many favours…
p. 122
Sp.T 4.1.1ff Is this the love thou bearst Horatio?
Is this the kindnes that thou counterfeits?
Are these the fruits of thine incessant teares!
Hieronimo, are these thy passions,
Thy protestations and thy deepe lamentes
10 AF 1.1956 Before I saw that falshoode looke of thine,
Fore I was tangled with thy tysing speech, …
p. 141
AF 1.2134 So list the Sailer to the Marmaids song,
So lookes the travellour to the Basiliske.
SP 2.1.154ff What are thy words but Syrens guilefull songs,
That please the eare but seeke to spoile the heart? …
What are thy teares but Circes magike seas,
Where none scape wrackt but blindfould Marriners?
What are thy lookes but like the Cockatrice
That seekes to wound poore silly passengers?
11 AF 1.2056 now I see | That which I ever feared and find too true. p. 127
AF 3.106 now I see, and too soone find it trew,
Sp.T 4.1.35 Madame, tis true, and now I find it so.
12 AF 1.258 that witnesses heartes griefe. p. 144 M6
SP 3.2.14 swolne hearts griefe.
SP 3.13.119 thy sore harts greife.
13 AF 1.3245 Arden, now thou hast belcht and vomited
The rancorous venome of thy mis-swolne hart.
p. 143
SP 3.2.1415 And here my tongue dooth stay with swolne hearts greef.
And here my swolne harts greef doth stay my tongue.
14 AF 1.333.57 … And, Arden, though I now frequent thy house,
Tis for my sisters sake … | And not for hers …
(ARDEN)  And thou and Ile be freends, if this prove trew.
As for the base tearmes I gave thee late,
Forget them, Mosbie: I had cause to speake, …
(FRANKLIN) Then, Mosbie, to eschew the speache of men,
Upon whose generall brute all honor hangs,
Forbeare his house.
(ARDEN) Forbeare it! nay, rather frequent it more:
The worlde shall see that I distrust her not.
To warne him on the sudden from my house
Were to confirm the rumour that is growne.
(MOSBIE) By my faith, sir, you say trew,
And therefore will I sojourne here a while,
Untill our enemies have talkt their fill;
And then I hope, theile cease, and at last confesse
How causeles they have injurde her and me.
pp. 120-1
Sp.T 3.14.135ff (CASTILLE) Hieronimo, I hope you have no cause
(HIERONIMO) These be the scandalous reports of such
As love not me, and hate my Lord too much …
(LORENZO) Hieronimo, I never gave you cause.
(HIERONIMO) My good Lord, I know you did not.
(CASTILLE) There then pause;
And for the satisfaction of the world,
Hieronimo, frequent my homely house, …
And when thou wilt, use me, my sonne, and it:
But heere …
Embrace each other, and be perfect freends.
(HIERONIMO) Ile be freends with you all.
For divers causes it is fit for us
That we be freends: the world is suspitious,
And men may think what we imagine not …
(LORENZO) And that, I hope, olde grudges are forgot.
15 AF
Hell fire and wrathfull vengeance light on me,
If I dishonour her or injure thee.
p. 142 M9
SP 2.1.114 Which if I doe, all vengeance light on me.
SP 5.2.74 And mischiefe light on me, if I sweare false.
16 AF 1.373 Now will I be convinced or purge my selfe. p. 143
SP 2.1.259 Great ease it were for me to purge my selfe.
17 AF 1.383 Ile take a lytle to prevent the worst. p. 127
AF 14.294 But to prevent the worst, Ile buy some rats bane.
Sp.T 3.2.78, 80 But, Pedringano, to prevent the worst, …
Heere, for thy further satisfaction, take thou this.
18 AF 1.399 Loth  am I to depart, yet I must go  p. 140
AF 1.408–12 And so farewell, sweete Ales, till we meete next.
Farewell, Husband, seeing youle have it so;
And, M. Francklin, seeing you take him hence,
In hope youle hasten him home, Ile give you this.
— And if he stay, the fault shall not be mine.
SP 5.1.34ff I go, Perseda; thou must give me leave.
— Though loth, yet Solimans command prevailes …
— Lord Brusor, come; tis time that we were gone.
— Perseda, farewell; be not angrie
For that I carry thy beloved from thee;
We will returne with all speede possible …
That for my carrying of Erastus hence
She curse me not; and so farewell to both.
19 AF 1.446 They shall be soundly feed to pay him home. p. 142
AF 1.515 Ile pay him home.
SP 3.2.34 And I will pay you both your sound delight.
Cf. Corn.  3.3.62 pay home the penaltie.
20 AF 1.492 Ah, M. Greene, be it spoken in secret heere. p. 136 M12
SP 5.2.58 For be it spoke in secret heere, quoth he.
21 AF 1.511 I shall be the man | Shall set you free. p. 127
AF 1.600 is it Clarke must be the man?
AF 3.159–60 I am the very man | Markt … To give …
Sp.T 3.6.30 I am the man
Sp.T 3.14.119 no, I am not the man.
22 AF 1.522–3 And heer’s ten pound to wager them withall;
When he is dead, you shall have twenty more.
(repeated: 1.566, 569; 2.103–4; 14.126–7)
p. 142
SP 5.2.64 At this he lept for joy, swearing and promising
23 AF 1.526–7 — Will you keepe promise with me?
— Or count me false and perjurde whilst I live.
p. 136 M8
SP 2.1.123 For this thy perjurde false disloyalty.
SP 5.2.74 And mischiefe light on me, if I sweare false.
24 AF 1.636 Now, Ales, lets in and see what cheere you keepe. p. 127
Sp.T 1.5.12 Now come and sit with us, and taste our cheere.
25 AF 2.33 about a peece of service. p. 144 M16
SP 1.4.60 hot piece of service.
26 AF 3.39–40 But stand close, and take you fittest standing,
And at his comming foorth speede him.
p. 128
AF 9.38 Take your fittest standings
Sp.T 3.2.85 There take thy standand see thou strike him sure.
27 AF 3.104–6 Seest thou this goare that cleaveth to my face?
From hence nere will I wash this bloody staine.
Til Ardens hart be panting in my hand.
p. 122
Sp.T 2.5.52ff Seest thou this handkercher besmerd with blood?
It shall not from me, till I take revenge.
Seest thou those wounds that yet are bleeding fresh?
Ile not intombe them, till I have reveng’d.
28 AF 3.131 how chaunce your face is so bloody? p. 143
SP 1.4.61 how chance his nose is slit? (SP 3.6.13 & 5.3.13)
29 AF 3.165 And traine thy M(aister) to his tragedy. p. 129
Sp.T 2.1.93 This very sword … | Shall be the worker of the tragedie.
30 AF 3.167 Then be not nice, but … p. 137 M23
SP 1.2.23 Then be not nice, Perseda …
31 AF 3.181–5 No sooner shall ye enter through the latch
Over the thresholde to the inner court,
But on your left hand shall you see the staires
That leads directly to my M(aisters) chamber:
There take him and …
pp. 121-2
Sp.T 3.11.12ff Then list to me, and Ile resolve our doubt.
There is a path upon your left hand side,
That leadeth from a guiltie Conscience
Unto a forrest of distrust and feare, …
There shall you meet with …
Cf. ibid. 1.1.63 The left hand path, declining fearefully,
Was ready dounfall to the deepest hell, …
32 AF 3.195–6 Ah, harmeles Arden, how, how hast thou misdone,
That thus thy gentle lyfe is leveld at?
p. 126
Sp.T 2.5.28–9 O poore Horatio, what hadst thou misdonne,
To leese thy life ere life was new begun?
33 AF 3.201–2 Do lead thee* with a wicked fraudfull smile
As unsuspected, to the slaughterhouse.  *‘the lambe’ (l. 191)
p. 137 M26
SP 5.3.43 To leade a Lambe unto the slaughter-house.
34 AF 4.22–6 She will amend, and so your greefes will cease;
Or els shele die, and so your sorrows end.
If neither of these two do happely fall,
Yet let your comfort be that others beare
Your woes, twice doubled all, with patience.
p. 123 M27
Sp.T 3.13.14ff If destinie thy miseries doe ease,
Then hast thou health, and happy shalt thou be:
If destinie denie thee life, Hieronimo,
Yet shalt thou be assured of a tombe:
If neither, yet let this thy comfort be,
Heaven covereth him that hath no buriall.
35 AF 4.31–3 At home or not at home, where ere I be,
Heere, heere it lyes, ah Francklin, here it lyes
That wil not out till wretched Arden dies.
p. 123
Sp.T 3.6.15–16 But come, for that we came for: lets begin,
For here lyes that which bids me to be gone.
36 AF 4.47 Looking that waies for redresse of wrong. p. 129
Sp.T 3.6.4 we |For all our wrongs can compasse no redresse.
37 AF 4.62–3 pleads to me for lyfe | With just demaund. p. 129
Sp.T 2.1.54 satisfie my just demaund.
38 AF 4.79 And pittiles black Will cryes Stab the slave. p. 137 M28
Sp.T 3.5.10 Then stab the slaves, and send their soules to hell.  (more)
39 AF 4.82 Gapes open wide, like graves to swallow men. p. 129
Sp.T 1.2.51 (the ocean) gapes to swallow … landes.
40 AF 4.87 What dismall outcry cals me from my rest?
— What hath occasiond such a fearefull crye?
p. 124 M31
Sp.T 2.5.1
ibid. 4.4.108
What out-cries pluck me from my naked bed?
He shrikes: I heard, and yet, me thinks, I heare
His dismall out-cry eccho in the aire.
41 AF 5.1–5 Black night hath hid the pleasures of the day
And sheeting darknesse overhangs the earth
And with the black folde of her cloudy robe
Obscures us from the eyesight of the worlde,
In which swete silence such as we triumph.
p. 129
Sp.T 2.4.1ff, 17ff Now that the night begins with sable wings
To over-cloud the brightnes of the Sunne,
And that in darkenes pleasures may be done, …
And heavens have shut up day to pleasure us.
The starres, thou seest, hold backe their twinckling shine,
And Luna hides her selfe to pleasure us.
42 AF 5.5 such as we triumph. p. 129
Sp.T 3.3.9 when such as I prevaile
43 AF 5.10 Greeneget you gone. p. 143
AF 8.104 Go, get thee gone.
AF 9.34 No sirget you gone.
AF 14.140 Tush, get you gone.
Sp.T 4.1.250 Brusor, get thee gone.
44 AF 5.10–12 Greene, get you gone and linger here about,
And at some houre hence come to us againe,
Where we will give you instance of his death.
p. 137
SP 2.1.73–6 Goe thou forthwith, arme thee from top to toe,
And come an hour hence unto my lodging,
Then will I tell thee this offence at large,
And thou in my behalfe shalt work revenge.
45 AF 6.16 With that he blew. p. 143
AF 14.56–7 With that comes Franklin … with that he slinks away.
AF 14.65–6 With that comes Arden
SP 2.2.21 With that they drew, and there F. had the prickado.
46 AF 6.38 their nightly fantasies p. 126
Sp.T 1.3.76 my nightly dreames.
47 AF 7.5 For heare I sweareby heaven and earth and all. p. 126
Sp.T 4.1.25 For heare I swearein sight of heaven and earth.
48 AF 8.5–6 And nippes me as the bitter Northeast wind
Doeth check the tender blossoms in the spring.
p. 128 M34
Sp.T 1.1.12–13 But in the harvest of my sommer joyes,
Deaths winter nipt the blossomes of my blisse.
Sp.T 3.13.147–8 But suffered thy faire crimson coloured spring
With withered winter to be blasted thus.
49 AF 8.25 To make my harvest nothing but pure corne. p. 128 M35
Sp.T 3.6.7 Thou talkest of harvest, when the corn is greene  (more)
50 AF 8.32 They will insult upon me for my mede. p. 129
Sp.T 3.1.53 Or for thy meed hast falsely me accusde.
51 AF 8.56–7 To forge distressefull looks to wound a breast
Where lyes a heart that dies when thou art sad.
p. 137 M38
SP 2.1.117 Ah, how thine eyes can forge alluring lookes
And faine deep oathes to wound poor silly maides.
52 AF 8.63 And thou — conceale the rest, for tis too bad. p. 142 M39
SP 5.2.53 The rest I dare not speake, it is so bad.
53 AF 8.121 And thereon will I chiefly meditate. p. 126 M40
Sp.T 2.2.26 But whereon doost thou chiefly meditate?
54 AF 8.123ff Wilt thou not looke? … Wilt thou not heare? … Why
speaks thou not? … Thou hast been sighted … And
heard as quickly … And spoke as smoothly …
When I have bid thee heare or see or speak.
p. 144
Cf. SP 2.1.156ff & 5.4.43ff Then view my teares … What are thy teares … then view
my lookes … What are thy lookes … If words, nor
teares, nor lookes may win remorse | Was he not true …
Was he not valiant … Was he not loyall — ?
55 AF 8.128 And spoke as smoothly as an orator. p. 128
Sp.T 3.10.83 Brother, you are become an Oratour.
56 AF 8.150 Then with thy lips seale up this new made match. p. 129
Sp.T 1.1.80 Pluto was pleased, and sealde it with a kisse.
SP 1.6.4 By mutuall tokens to seal up their loves. p. 136
57 AF 9.1–2 Come, Will, see thy tooles be in a redynes:
Is not thy Powder dancke, or will thy flint stryke fyre?
p. 130
Sp.T 3.3.1, 4 Now, Pedringano, bid thy Pistoll holde …
And let me shift for taking of mine aime.
58 AF 9.17–18 a greater somme of money
Then either thou or all thy kin are worth.
p. 137 M43
SP 1.4.74 It was worth more then thou and all thy kin are worth.
59 AF 9.19 Zounds, I hate them as I hate a toade. p. 137 M44
SP 3.2.27 Lucina hates me like a Toade.
60 AF 9.26–9 Why, so can Jack of Fevershame,
That sounded* for a phillope on the nose,
When he that gave it him hollowed in his eare,
And he supposed a Cannon bullete hit him.
* (i.e. ‘swooned’)
p. 141 M45
SP 5.3.93 mans life is as a glasse, and a phillip may cracke it.
61 AF 9.38–43 Wel, take your fittest standings, & once more
Lime your twigs to catch this wary bird.
Ile leave you, and at  your dags discharge
Make towards, lyke the longing water dog
That coucheth til the fowling peece be off,
Then ceazeth on the pray with eager moode.
p. 124 M46
Sp. T 3.4.41-5 I set the trap: he breakes the worthles twigs,
And sees not that wherewith the bird was limde.
Thus hopefull men, that meane to holde their owne,
Must look like fowlers to their dearest freends.
He runnes to kill whome I have holpe to catch.
62 AF 9.133–4 Arden, thou hast wondrous holye luck.
Did ever man escape as thou hast done.
p. 137
SP 2.2.1-2 God sends fortune to fooles. Did you ever see
wise man escape as I have done?
p. 137
63 AF 10.3–4 That Soll may wel deserne the trampled pace
Wherein he wount to guide his golden car.
p. 130
Sp.T 1.1.23 Ere Sol had slept three nights in Thetis lap,
And slakte his smoaking charriot in her floud.
64 AF 10. 17–19 But my deserts or your desires decay,
Or both; yet if true love may seeme desert,
I merite stil to have thy company.
pp. 137 138
SP 3.1.102 The least of these surpasse my best desart,
Unlesse true loyaltie may seeme desart.
65 AF 10.31 But that I hould thee dearer then my life. p. 128
Sp.T 4.4.31 Erasto, dearer than my life to me.
SP 2.1.281 Farewell, my country, dearer then my life. p. 136
SP 5.2105 Whose life to me was dearer then mine owne.
66 AF 10.75–6 Stayd you behinde your M(aister) to this end?
Have you no other …
p. 138
SP 5.3.42 I … came thy husband to this end
Hast thou for this …
67 AF 10.83 Why should he thrust his sickle in our corne. p. 142 M35
SP 4.1.223 That thrust his sickle in my harvest corne.
68 AF 10.100–1 Mosbie, leave protestations now,
And let us bethink us what we have to doo.
p. 138 M54
SP 1.4.30 Leave protestations now and let us hie
69 AF 11.27 Why, then, by this reconing you … p. 138
SP 1.4.83 Why, then, by this reckoning, a …
70 AF
I, but you had not best to meddle with that moon p. 143 M55
SP 2.2.51 Where you had not best go to him.
71 AF 12.54 In following so slight a taske as this p. 138
SP 1.5.28 May soon be levied for so slight a taske
72 AF 12.68 wele meete him on the way. p. 139
AF 13.60 My wife may hapely mete me on the way.
AF 13.91–4 came lovingly to mete thee on thy way
Thou drewst thy sword, inraged with Jelousy,
And hurte thy freende whose thoughts were
free from harme
AF 13.131–2 All for a woorthles kisse.
For that I injurde thee,
And wrongd my frend, shame scourgeth my offence.
AF 13.139–40 I, after he had revyled him
By the injuryous name of perjurde beast.
SP 2.2.19ff Then Ferdinando met us on the way,
And revil’d my master, saying he stole the chaine
With that they drew, and there F. had the prickado…
My heart had arm’d my tongue with injury.
To wrong my friend whose thoughts were ever true
And in this bosome there power foorth my soule,
For satisfaction of my trespasse past,
SP 1.5.93 that for a worthlesse cause.
73 AF 13.8 make no battry in his flintye breast. p. 129
Sp.T 1.3.57 My hart growne hard gainst mischiefs battery.
74 AF 13.29 Nay, then, Ile tempt thee, Arden, doo thy worst p. 126
Sp.T 3.3.48 And doe your worst, for I defie you all.
75 AF 13.39 Fy, bitter knave, brydle thine envious tongue. p. 138 M61
SP 1.5.104 Bridle the fond intemperance of thy tongue.
76 AF 13.78 Injurious strumpet, and thou ribald knave. p. 127
Sp.T 3.4.28 Injurious villaine, murderer of his freend.
Sp.T 3.1.57 Injurious traytour, monstrous homicide
77 AF 13.88 Ah, Arden, what folly blinded thee? p. 138 M64
SP 1.5.97 If wilful folly did not blind mine eyes.
78 AF 13.105 To lincke in lyking with a frantick man. p. 138 M66
SP 9.2.70 And is she linkt in liking with my foe?
79 AF 13.152 He whome the divel drives must go perforce. p. 128 M68
Sp.T 3.12.82 Needes must he goe that the divels drive.
80 AF 14.19–20 I and my companye have taken… p. 129
Sp.T 3.10.28 And with extreames abuse my companye.
81 AF 14.91–2 Wil you two performe
The complot that I have laid?
p. 128
Sp.T 3.4.40 I lay the plot, he prosecutes the point;
I set the trap, he …
82 AF 14.126 Instead of faire wordes and large promises
My hands shall play you golden harmonie.
p. 125 M69
Sp.T 2.1.51–2 Now to these favours will I adde reward,
Not with faire words, but store of golden coyne.
SP 4.1.62–4 First, thanks to heaven; and next to Brusor’s valour,
Which ile not guerdon with large promises,
But straight reward thee with a bounteous largesse
Sp.T 2.1.72 Yet speake the truth and I will guerdon thee.
SP 2.2.38 Not with slowe sailes but with loves goulden wings,
83 AF 14.136–8 Tush, you are too faint harted; we must do it
But Mosbie will be there, whose very lookes
Will ad unwonted courage to my thought.
p. 138
SP 1.2.52 And when long combat makes my body faint,
The sight of this shall shew Persedas name.
Leir 5.10.38 And add fresh courage to my fainting limmes.
84 AF 14.174 Therefore thought it good to make you frends. p. 120
AF 14.199 fetch me a cup of Wine, Ile make them freends.
Sp.T 2.13.12 know no better meanes to make us freends.
85 AF 14.175 But wherefore do you bring him hether now? p. 127
AF 14.325 But wherefore should he come? Heere is nought but feare
AF 14.389 But wherfore stay you? finde out the murtherers.
AF 16.19 But wherefore stay we? Come and beare me hence.
Sp.T 1.3.8 But wherefore sit in a Regall throne?
Sp.T 2.1.11 But wherefore blot Belimperia’s name?
Sp.T 3.7.67 But wherefore waste I mine unfruitfull words?
Sp.T 3.6.100 But wherefore stay you? have you hope of life?
SP 1.6.37 But wherefore stay we? Let the sequele prove — p. 135
SP 3.6.19 Wherefore stay we? thers more behind.
86 AF 14.214–15 Yet, Arden, I protest to thee by heaven,
Thou nere shalt see me more after this night.
p. 138 M71
SP 5.2.25ff Why then to thee, or unto anyone else,
I heere protest by heavens unto you all
That never was there …
87 AF 14.249 We have our gould; mistres Ales, adew p. 125
AF 14.139 And make me the first that shall adventure on him.
AF 15.11 I have the gould; what care I though it be knowne.
Sp.T 3.3.5–6 Heere is the golde; this is the golde proposde;
It is no dreame that I adventure for.
88 AF 14.249–50 We have our gould; mistres Ales, adew
Mosbie, farewell, and Michaell, farewell too.
p. 126
Sp.T 1.2.132–3 Welcome Don Balthazar; welcome Nephew.
And thou Horatio, thou art welcome too.
SP 4.1.203 FarewellErastusPersedafarewell to. p. 135
89 AF 14.272–3 what ayle you weepe?
Because her husband is abroad so late.
p. 125
AF 14.303 My husbands being foorth torments my minde.
Sp.T 2.5.34 My husbands absence makes my heart to throb.
Sp.T 3.3.40 Why? because he walkt abroad so late.
90 AF 14.301–2 What aile you, woman, to cry so suddenly?
— Ah neighbours, a sudden qualm came o’er my heart.
p. 136 M72
SP 2.1.49–50 What ailes you, madam, that your colour changes?
A suddaine qualme; I therefore take my leave.
91 AF 14.328–32 See, Susan, where thy quandam Maister lyes,
Sweete Arden, smeard in bloode and filthy gore.
— My brother, you, and I shall rue this deede.
Come, Susan, help to lift his body forth,
And let our salt teares be his obsequies.
p. 140
SP 5.4.3ff Ah, Brusor, see where thy Lucina lyes,
Butcherd dispightfullie without the walles.
— Unkind Perseda, couldst thou use her so? …
Go, Brusor, heave her to thy private tent,
Where we at leasure will lament her death,
And with our teares bewaile her obsequies.
SP 5.4.94 Come, Brusor, helpe to lift her bodie up.
cf. Sp.T 1.4.35–6 And welding him unto my private tent,
There laid him downe, and dewd him with my teares.
92 AF 14.408 I loved him more then all the world beside. p. 128 M77
Sp.T 2.6.6 Because she lov’d me more then all the world. p. 136
SP 2.1.284 Dearer to me then all the world besides.
93 AF 16.2 Confesse this foule fault and be penitent. p. 126 M78
Sp.T 3.6.26 Confesse thy folly, and repent thy fault.
94 AF 16.2 this foule fault p. 129
AF 18.25 this foule deede
Sp.T 3.1.92 so foule deed.
Sp.T 3.6.96 fault so foule
95 AF 18.36 Seing no hope on earth, in heaven is my hope. p. 126
Sp.T 3.1.35ff Tis heaven is my hope
As for the earth, it is too much infect
To yield me hope of any of her mould.
(32) SP 2.1.131 Ah, false Erastus, how had I misdoone,
That thou shouldest pawne my true affections pledge.
p. 135
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